Looking for scholarships is a challenge. The time spent in search of the right scholarship can take a long time and the student has to deal with a lot of rejection letters before the acceptance letter arrives. During the process, has anyone ever wondered why people are giving away money for school? The answers will surprise the perspective student. There is a reason and a rhyme to every scholarship that is given away.
Nobody gives away money for free and that includes the businesses and organizations that give away scholarships. They have an alternative motive in mind that does not represent an aura of good human works. The companies have a vested interest in the money that they give away and they want the scholarship money that they give away to turn into profit in the future.
The main reason a company will give away a scholarship is to be recognized by t he public. The public is their customer base and the more good things that the company is doing for the public, their name will stick in the customers mind. Sears does not give away a scholarship with another name on it. The scholarship is advertisement for Sears and Sears hopes to profit from that advertisement.
A side benefit of the scholarship giveaway is that the scholarship presents workplace diversity. If the scholarship was given to one of the employees, then the future, educated employee will have more to offer the company. The diversity comes from taking someone from the inside and changing them for the purpose of productivity and ideals that might generate. The diversity is a secondary goal of the scholarship.
In the bigger scope, scholarships create opportunity for the community. The more educated the public the better jobs they will have. The better the job, the better the pay check. The scholarship is creating a community with a bigger budget to spend on products and services they need. By creating a more profitable community the company will profit accordingly.
So when the student puts in that scholarship application, it is not goodwill they are receiving on the other side. They are apart of a public media campaign that will have both short and long term repercussions for the company and the community. Their donation to an individual’s tuition will come back to their cash drawers with time and patience.